Larry Cohen

Larry Cohen

Wow, where did the 50 years go? For me it has been a great half a century. I really have no regrets and a few things that I would have done differently. I have an amazing wife (we met at Duke) and two amazing kids who are a daily reminder of what it must have been like to raise me. I guess I owe my parents an apology and a big Thank You.

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    Something about you that no one would guess:
    Was an EMT on a rescue squad and got accepted to medical school

    Personal style in three words:
    relaxed, fun loving, adventurous

    Before Axis, I was:
    Creatively stifled and working as an attorney in Washington DC

    Favorite hobby:
    Crossfit and whatever my kids are into (and will do with me)

    Dream destination:
    Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro

    Guilty Pleasure:
    Black Jack